Lets look at some data from a Canadian survey on wages in Ontario. The data contains information on

of 7425 individuals.

## 'data.frame':    7425 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ wages    : num  10.6 11 NA 17.8 NA ...
##  $ education: num  15 13.2 16 14 8 16 12 14.5 15 10 ...
##  $ age      : int  40 19 49 46 71 50 70 42 31 56 ...
##  $ sex      : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 ...
##  $ language : Factor w/ 3 levels "English","French",..: 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##    wages education age    sex language
## 1  10.56      15.0  40   Male  English
## 2  11.00      13.2  19   Male  English
## 3     NA      16.0  49   Male    Other
## 4  17.76      14.0  46   Male    Other
## 5     NA       8.0  71   Male  English
## 6  14.00      16.0  50 Female  English
## 7     NA      12.0  70 Female  English
## 8     NA      14.5  42 Female  English
## 9   8.20      15.0  31   Male  English
## 10    NA      10.0  56 Female  English

There are a number of missing data points. Lets remove these from the dataset and only work with individuals for whom we have complete information.

WageData <- filter(SLID, !is.na(wages), !is.na(education), !is.na(language))
scatterplotMatrix(WageData[,c('wages','sex', 'age', 'education')])

Lets start by fitting a basic model and examining some diagnostic plots.

fit <- lm(wages~ sex + age + education, data = WageData)


The QQ-plot and the histogram of the residuals suggests a positive skew (as did the original histogram of the wage data in the scatterplot matrix). We can reduce positive skew by moving the response variable down the ladder of powers.

fit2 <- lm(log(wages) ~ sex + age + education, data = WageData)

You could try other powers such as sqrt(wage), but log(wage) seems to have produced reasonable results. Note that you can highlight the 5 most outlying data points in QQ-plots by using the command

qqPlot(fit2, id.n=5)

Lets now check the residual plots:

residualPlots(fit2, tests=FALSE)

crPlots(fit2, terms=~age+education)

The command


will also work, but gives a third plot for the categorical variable sex which is not useful. So I’ve removed it by specifying the terms to plot with the command crPlots(fit2, terms=~age+education).

This shows some non-linearity, particularly in how the response depends upon age. We could try transforming age down the ladder of powers, but the relationship looks like it could be non-monotone, in which case we will need to fit a quadratic model. Similarly, the dependence upon education looks non-linear. We can try transforming this up the ladder of powers (see Tukey and Mosteller’s bulging rule).

fit3 <- lm(log(wages) ~ sex + age + I(age^2) + I(education^2), WageData) 
residualPlots(fit3, tests=FALSE)

crPlots(fit3, terms=~.-sex)

These now looks pretty much perfect.