An Introduction to Gaussian Processes, Gaussian process summer school, University of Manchester, September 2024.
Statistical challenges of digital twins. Invited talk at the Mathematics in Life Sciences (MiLS) workshop, Exeter, May 2024.
Statistical challenges of digital twins. Invited talk at the Alan Turing Institute. March 2024.
Adjoint-aded inference for latent force models. Departmental seminar, School of Maths, University of Sheffield. November, 2023.
Statistical Methods for Building Digital Twins of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Plenary at the Research Students Conference (RSC2023) for PhD students in statistics. Sheffield. September 11-13, 2023.
An Introduction to Gaussian Processes, Gaussian process summer school, University of Manchester, September 2023.
Adjoint-aded inference for latent force models. Invited talk at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, as part of the workshop on {\it Machine learning for science}. June 11-16th, 2023.
Adjoint-aded inference of Gaussian process driven differential equations. Invited talk at the Turing Insitute, as part of the Newton Institute workshop on Modelling, Analysis and Inference for Digital Twins, London. March 28-30th, 2023.
Adjoint-aded inference of Gaussian process driven differential equations. Invited talk at the Mathematical and Computational Methods in Cancer and Biology Symposium, Colombia University, New York. March 16th-18th, 2023.
Adjoint-aded inference of Gaussian process driven differential equations. Departmental Seminar at the University of Exeter. Sept 2022. Recording
Adjoint-aded inference of Gaussian process driven differential equations. Departmental Seminar at the University of Nottingham. February 2022.
Adjoint-aded inference of Gaussian process driven differential equations. Invited talk at the workshop Lifting Inference with Kernel Embeddings. Jan 2022.
Introduction to Gaussian processes. GP summer school, Sheffield, September 2022.
Approximate inference for approximate models Part I and Part II. Keynote talks at workshop on Accelerated statistical inference for the sciences, Bern Switzerland, Sept 2021.
Introduction to Gaussian processes. GP summer school, Sheffield, September 2021. Youtube
Uncertainty quantification for heart surgeons. North West Seminar of Mathematical Biology and Data Science, Liverpool and Manchester University.
Uncertainty quantification for heart surgeons. North West Seminar of Mathematical Biology and Data Science, Liverpool and Manchester University. Video
Introduction to Gaussian processes. GP summer school, Sheffield, September 2020. Youtube
Inference for misspecified models, Grey-box modelling workshop, University of Sheffield, Nov 2019.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach to a long-standing model selection problem, departmental seminar, University of Southampton, Oct 2019.
Introduction to Gaussian processes. GP summer school, Sheffield, September 2019.
Uncertainty Quantification in Prospective and Predictive Patient Specific Cardiac Models . The Fickle Heart, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, June 2019.
Approximate Bayesian computation: inference for complex stochastic models. The Fickle Heart, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, May 2019.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach to a long-standing model selection problem, DSNE seminar, University of Lancaster, Feb 2019.
Uncertainty quantification approaches for patient specific cardiac models, seminar, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Greenwich University, Jan 2019.
Approximate Bayesian computation: inference for complex stochastic models, ISNET Nuclear Physics at the Extremes meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, Oct 2018.
Another introduction to GPs, GP summer school, Sheffield, Sept 2018.
Uncertainty quantification: learning from flawed mechanistic models, Research Students Conference, Sheffield, July 2018.
Topics in Uncertainty Quantification, DIGITWIN, Sheffield, July 2018.
Statistical model data comparison, Past Earth Network Conference, Leeds, June 2018.
Multi-level and multi-fidelity modelling, Turing Gateway to Mathematics workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems: Development in Theory and Methodologies, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, June 2018.
Inference under discrepancy, departmental seminar, Exeter University, March 2018.
Inference for complex models, School of Maths, Durham University, Jan 2018.
UQ’ perspectives on ABC (approximate Bayesian computation), Newton Institute Workshop on Key UQ methodologies and motivating applications, Jan 2018.
Gaussian process accelerated ABC, departmental seminar, Warwick University, December 2017.
Inference under discrepancy, Subjective Bayes workshop, Open University, September 2017.
Another Introduction to Gaussian Processes, Gaussian process summer school, Sheffield, September 2017. The R code for the kernel regression example is available here
50 ways with GPs, Past Earth Network Emulator Workshop, University of Leeds, June 2017. Alan Saul and I also gave 5 hours of lab sessions on how to use GPy. There are available on github. The accompanying slides are available here
Approximate Bayesian computation: likelihood-free inference for complex models, Quantifying uncertainty in multiscale models for biomedical applications workshop, University of Sheffield, April 2017.
Gaussian process accelerated ABC, departmental seminar, Medical School, University of Lancaster, December 2016.
The ML invasion of ABC, Schloss Dagstuhl seminar New Directions for Learning with Kernels and Gaussian Processes, Leibniz Center for Informatics, Germany, November 2016.
Uncertainty quantification for complex simulators using emulation, invited seminar, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, October 2016.
Gaussian process accelerated ABC, invited seminar, Gatsby Computational Neurscience Unit, UCL, London, September 2016.
Introduction to ABC, GP and UQ Summer School, University of Sheffield, September 2016.
Surrogate modelling and ABC, invited talk, ABC in Helsinki meeting, middle of the Baltic Sea, May 2016.
Design for Calibration and History Matching for Complex Simulators, invited talk, mini-symposium on Sequential Design of Computer Experiments, SIAM UQ, Lausanne, April 2016.
Using surrogate models to accelerate parameter estimation for complex simulators, Laboratoire de Recherche en informatique (LRI), Paris, March 2016.
Design for ABC and history matching with Gaussian processes, Biostatistics Unit, MRC, Cambridge, March 2016.
Using surrogate models to accelerate parameter estimation for complex simulators, departmental seminar, Maths Dept, University of Manchester, February 2016.
Modern Computational Statistics, invited talk, Statistics for Climate PIs, Royal Statistical Society, London, 2015.
Inference for complex models, small talk to Physics research group, Sheffield, 2015.
ABC and history matching with GPs, invited talk, Gaussian process summer school, Sheffield, 2015.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach, invited talk, Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference, Exeter, 2015.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach to a long-standing model selection problem, contributed talk, Past Earth Network Conference, Crewe, 2015.
Efficient history matching and calibration of complex simulators using Bayesian optimization, invited talk, minisymposium on Uncertainty Quantification, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Beijing, 2015.
Inference for complex models, interview talk, University of Sheffield, 2015.
GP-ABC: accelerating inference for intractable stochastic computer models, Invited Speaker, MascotNum 2015, Ecole des Mines, Saint Etienne, France, 2015.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach to a long-standing model selection problem, Departmental Seminar, Maths dept, University of Glasgow, November 2014.
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and the challenge of big simulation, keynote lecture, NeuroStats2014: Statistical Challenges in Neuroscience. University of Warwick, September 2014.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach to a long-standing model selection problem, Advances in Climate Theory Workshop, Royal Institute of Meteorology, Brussels, Belgium, August 2014.
What drives the glacial-interglacial cycle? A Bayesian approach to a long-standing model selection problem, ISBA, Cancun, July 2014.
Statistical challenges and solutions in Equation of State modelling, Nottingham NEST workshop, Nottingham, May 2014.
Emulating computer simulators with high dimensional input and output, PANACEA team meeting, Statoil, Trondheim, Norway, March 2014.
Statistical applications of Gaussian processes, Gaussian process winter school, Sheffield Institute of Translational Neuroscience, January 2014.
Probabilistic ABC: accelerating ABC using Gaussian processes, seminar, Robotics Research Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, August 2013.
Gaussian processes for uncertainty quantification in computer experiments, lecture, Summer School on Gaussian Processes, Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience, June 2013.
Accelerating ABC using emulation and history-matching, seminar, Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI), University of Southampton, April 2013.
ABC, history matching, and emulation, seminar, School of Mathematics, University of Durham, November 2012.
A modelling approach to ABC, seminar, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, September 2012.
Diagnostic plots for dynamical systems, contributed talk, Uncertainty in Computer Modelling conference, Sheffield, June 2012.
A modelling approach to ABC, contributed talk, SuSTain workshop on Intractability, Bristol, April 2012.
Alternative approaches to approximate Bayesian computation (ABC): what and why, seminar, Dept. of Statistics, University of Oxford, January 2012.
The A to Z of ABC, seminar, Approximate Inference Workshop, University of Sheffield, January 2012.
Calibrating computer simulators using ABC: An example from evolutionary biology,seminar, Maths Department, Exeter University, March 2011.
Calibrating the UVic climate model using global carbon cycle observation, seminar, Field Sciences Department, Open University, January 2011.
Calibrating and emulating multivariate computer models, seminar, Centre de recherche sur la Terre et le climat, Universit'e catholique de Louvain, January 2011.
Exploring the Error in ABC algorithms, AMSTAT seminar (applied maths and statistics), University of Warwick, seminar, November 2010.
ABC and the challenge of model calibration, Isaac Newton Institute, seminar, September 2010.
Analise Estatistica de Simuladores, 18th SINAPE - Simposio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatistica, Brazilian national statistics conference, Sao Pedro, short course on computer experiments, July 2010.
Analise Estatistica de Simuladores: Learning from computer experiments, Universidade de Bras'ilia, Brazil, seminar, July 2010.
Learning Model Error in Dynamic Models, Uncertainty in Computer Models conference, Sheffield, contributed talk, July 2010.
Learning model error in dynamical systems, Royal Meteorological Society Workshop on Model Error, invited talk, Met Office, Exeter April 2010.